Phil’s Weblog

January 26, 2009


Sorry – I’ve missed a couple of blogs for various reasons, but I’m now back on track…





I can safely say that one of the most valuable lessons I learnt during English classes at school was précis. It’s the art of summing up a long passage in fewer words.  I use it all the time in my writing. Looking at some articles that are published, you would think that some people have been taught the opposite. They somehow manage to make a small idea seem very complex by waffling on unnecessarily.


I don’t know whether précis is taught any more in schools. It’s a shame if it isn’t. It is a writing discipline that really helps to focus your mind. Do you remember those old chemistry lessons when you had to spend ages distilling a liquid so you obtained a few precious drops of something more special (no, not whisky!)?


Finding the essence

Basically, précis is all about distilling an article (or several articles) so that you are left with those all-important special drops: the key facts. If you’re not used to doing it, the best way to learn is by practising. Find a long article in a magazine and set yourself the challenge of reducing it all to, say, 200 words.


Make sure you have identified the main thrust of the article and any key points that help to support it. It’s not always easy – but the more you practise, the simpler it will become. And once learnt, it’s a valuable tool that you can use in many different situations.


So, that’s the long and short of it!


Bye for now




Freelance copywriter


Web: http://www.phila



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